追放者食堂へようこそ!~最強パーティーを追放された料理人(Lv.99)は、田舎で念願の冒険者食堂を開きます!~ raw: The level 99 chef, who had been kicked out of the strongest party, finally decided to pursue his dream of opening an adventurer diner in the countryside. With his unparalleled cooking skills and knowledge of exotic ingredients, he quickly became known throughout the land as the go-to spot for hungry adventurers looking for a delicious meal. His diner became a popular gathering place for travelers, who would swap stories of their adventures over a hearty meal prepared by the talented chef. Despite no longer being part of a powerful party, the chef found fulfillment and success in his new venture, bringing joy and satisfaction to all who dined at his establishment.
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追放者食堂へようこそ!~最強パーティーを追放された料理人(Lv.99)は、田舎で念願の冒険者食堂を開きます!~ raw, 追放者食堂へようこそ!~最強パーティーを追放された料理人(Lv.99)は、田舎で念願の冒険者食堂を開きます!~ manga raw, 追放者食堂へようこそ!~最強パーティーを追放された料理人(Lv.99)は、田舎で念願の冒険者食堂を開きます!~ 漫画raw, 追放者食堂へようこそ!~最強パーティーを追放された料理人(Lv.99)は、田舎で念願の冒険者食堂を開きます!~ raw free