朱太后秘録 私が妃だなんて聞いてませんが! raw: Princess Shuhera had always been mistreated by those around her, but when she entered the Seraglio as a tribute, she was surprised to find that she was treated with kindness and respect. "No," it was declared. The people in the Seraglio saw Princess Shuhera for who she truly was - a kind and compassionate soul who had been wronged by others. They welcomed her with open arms, showering her with love and attention. As Princess Shuhera settled into her new life in the Seraglio, she realized that she had finally found a place where she belonged. No longer was she a tool for paying tribute, but a valued member of the community. And with each passing day, she grew stronger and more confident, knowing that she was finally where she was meant to be.
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