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死役所 raw: In the Ministry of Death, the employees work tirelessly to review the applications of the deceased in order to determine their fate. Some employees are empathetic and understanding, while others are strict and unforgiving. Every day, the employees are faced with difficult decisions as they review the lives of those who have passed on. They must consider the good deeds and the mistakes of each individual in order to make a fair judgment. There are moments of celebration when an application is approved, and the deceased is able to ascend to heaven. But there are also moments of sadness and disappointment when an application is denied, and the individual is sentenced to hell. Despite the challenges they face, the employees of the Ministry of Death strive to maintain order and fairness in the afterlife. They understand the weight of their responsibilities and the impact of their decisions on the souls of the deceased. Through their daily lives and interactions with the dead, the employees of the Ministry of Death navigate the complexities of judgment and redemption in the afterlife. It is a job that requires compassion, wisdom, and a deep understanding of the complexities of human nature.


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