地球防衛隊X raw: The Earth Defense Force is a secret organization dedicated to protecting Japan from extraterrestrial threats. Yamato Koichi, a loyal member of the force, believed that capturing these alien life forms would bring peace to the country. However, everything changed when he encountered a mysterious woman who made him question the true source of Japan's problems. "Are the extraterrestrial life forms truly to blame for Japan's troubles?" Yamato pondered as he delved deeper into the issues plaguing his homeland – recession, declining birthrates, corruption, and illicit funds. He soon realized that there was a more insidious evil at play – the elderly, who wielded power and influence behind the scenes, immune to legal repercussions. In a radical act of justice, Yamato contemplated the unthinkable – exterminating the elderly in the name of true patriotism. This picaresque novel set in the Reiwa era challenges conventional notions of righteousness and explores the complexities of loyalty and duty in a rapidly changing society.
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