Chi.;チ。−地球の運動について−;Chi.-Aboutthemovementoftheearth- raw: The time is the 15th century. There were individuals who wagered everything on proving a truth - do they possess an unyielding belief that they would sacrifice their lives for? Is there an aesthetic they are determined to uphold even if it means making enemies of the world? "Hyakuem." A rising star in the world of literature, Uotoyo, presents a heartfelt epic portraying those who risk everything to prove a truth in modern-day Japan. Reorganizing and rephrasing the content.
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Chi.;チ。−地球の運動について−;Chi.-Aboutthemovementoftheearth- raw, Chi.;チ。−地球の運動について−;Chi.-Aboutthemovementoftheearth- manga raw, Chi.;チ。−地球の運動について−;Chi.-Aboutthemovementoftheearth- 漫画raw, Chi.;チ。−地球の運動について−;Chi.-Aboutthemovementoftheearth- raw free